Why Recycle


Phone: 229-683-0075
Cell: 229-221-1620
Fax: 229-683-3296

2008 NE Railroad St.
Meigs, GA 31765



Recyclable Resources Description of Service

Recyclable Resources will supply or sell your company oil absorbents. You decide what size and type absorbent will work best in your facility.

Recyclable Resources will furnish containers for the recycling process.

Recyclable Resources will collect and transport the full containers to our facility.

Recyclable Resources will use our process to recycle the absorbents. The oils will be picked up by a certified oil recycler. The absorbents and containers will be cleaned for reuse.

Advantages of Our Service

  1. Recyclable Resources is a recycle / reuse company. Our products are designed for long lasting performance.
  2. Recyclable Resources uses an environmentally safe and reliable cleaning process. Every product involved in our process can be reused. (Absorbents, containers and cleaning agents)
  3. We can offer a wide range of sizes and types of absorbents for your facility.
  4. One vendor can handle all of your absorbent needs. (Supply, collection and transportation)
  5. All of the absorbents are transported with a nonhazardous waste manifest. You will have documentation of the quantity of absorbents being recycled. These documents can be utilized for your environmental programs.

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